Our vision

In the future, agents will be involved in every step of the financial analytics workflow

As LLMs reduce the cost of intelligence, we'll use AI systems to abstract away complex tasks for us. This will enable everyone to get useful information from their data by asking questions in everyday language.

As LLMs reduce the cost of intelligence, we'll use AI systems to abstract away complex tasks for us. This will enable everyone to get useful information from their data by asking questions in everyday language.

In the future agents will:



Proactively query all your financial data, ask you questions, and propose improvements to your underlying data model and documentation.

Proactively query all your financial data, ask you questions, and propose improvements to your underlying data model and documentation.



Answer your questions by generating queries, visualizations, and interpretations of analyses.

Answer your questions by generating queries, visualizations, and interpretations of analyses.



Proactively push insights to you based on your profile, previous questions, and goals.

Proactively push insights to you based on your profile, previous questions, and goals.



Converse with you at your level of technical understanding based on your profile, experience, and usage history.

Converse with you at your level of technical understanding based on your profile, experience, and usage history.



Conduct multi-generation deep-dive analyses, recursively self-correcting errors, improving data visualizations, and advancing an analysis without any human input.

Conduct multi-generation deep-dive analyses, recursively self-correcting errors, improving data visualizations, and advancing an analysis without any human input.



Interact with you through multiple interfaces such as web, chat, email, ticket, issue, API, embed, etc.

Interact with you through multiple interfaces such as web, chat, email, ticket, issue, API, embed, etc.



Take actions on data with simple commands such as “pull a list of new users this week and send them a welcome email”.

Take actions on data with simple commands such as “pull a list of new users this week and send them a welcome email”.

Our mission

To make analytics proactive

AI-powered analytics agents will help with generating insights, reports, and deliver critical access to analytics enabling anyone to leverage data.

AI-powered analytics agents will help with generating insights, reports, and deliver critical access to analytics enabling anyone to leverage data.

The image featured at the top of the about us page #1
The image featured at the top of the about us page #1
The image featured at the top of the about us page #1

Despite having valuable knowledge, modern finance teams are underutilized due to time and accessibility issues. This hampers decision-making. Patterns is here to fix these problems.

Despite having valuable knowledge, modern finance teams are underutilized due to time and accessibility issues. This hampers decision-making. Patterns is here to fix these problems.

Metrics and KPI's

Data Accessibility

Patterns is designed to bridge the gap between the finance team and your database by making it trivial for anyone to explore, query, and visualize data.

Deep Integration

Patterns works by connecting to your data warehouse, and all your financial systems and leveraging GPT4 to respond to user requests by generating SQL queries and visualizations of your business data.

Analytical Engagement

With Patterns, your finance team can move beyong spreadsheets and engage in thoughtful inquiry, entering a state of analytics flow and generating organizational knowledge at the speed of thought.

Read more about the features and capabilities of Patterns.

Read more about the features and capabilities of Patterns.

Financial Analysis in Natural Language

Financial Analysis in Natural Language

Financial Analysis in Natural Language